The Association for Research and Analysis ZMAI and UNICEF with the support of the World Bank and the Ministry of Education and Science organized trainings for educational inspectors. At this training, the opportunities for improving school networks in the country were shared in detail. The ZMAI team worked for more than 3 years on data collection, research and analysis of the situation and discussions with local authorities and citizens in Macedonian municipalities. The goal of the work of ZMAI is that every child receives a standard quality of the conditions in which he acquires his education. The main priority in the work of this project is the children, the students and their real needs for achieving an even quality of teaching. In conditions where resources for education are limited and insufficient, we must work on their better, optimal use. All participants in the educational process should be trained on how to use our resources most favorably in the direction of ensuring fair conditions for every child, in every municipality and place in the country.

The main trainers of the workshop with the inspectors were: Vera Kondikj Mitkovska – an education specialist from UNICEF with many years of experience in the field of education, Viktor Mitevski – the main researcher in the field of the state of educational facilities and financing of education and executive director of ZMAI and Natasha Angjeleska – doctor of pedagogical sciences with many years of experience and involvement in programs and projects in education in the area of ​​professional development and education of teachers and support of the education of marginalized groups.

The purpose of this training was to train inspectors on the optimization process in order to have sustainability and continuous transfer of knowledge within the institutions in charge of educational processes at the central and local level.